13/ G (feat. Khun Aung Hto, Leo Jom, Khun Htetz Naing & Tee Max)

Htun Win Hlaing, Khun Aung Hto, Sai Jom Meuxng, Sai Sein Seing

We are the guys from shan state
That drill is comin' from Shan state
We don't make shit like your kid kid
We release our song on all public
We are new generation shan state's young men just big crazy on drill (ya-ya-ya)
This one is the collaboration of the Shan and Pa'O guys (ga-ga-ga)
We are the guys from shan state
That drill is come from Shan state
We don't make shit like your kid kid
We release our song on all public
We are new generation shan state's young men just big crazy on drill (ya-ya-ya)
This one is the collaboration of the Shan and Pa'O guys (ga-ga-ga)
Shan State ၵဝ်ယူႇမိူင်းတႆး မႂ်းယူႇမိူင်းထႆး
တေႃႈလဵဝ်​​တေႃႈလဵဝ်​​တေဢမ်ႇပႆႇ ၵႅမ်း​​ဝေး
Fake asf make in China ၶူဝ်းၼုင်ႈတၢင်းမႆတႆးႁဝ်းလူဝ်ႇ တႅၼ်းတူၺ်း
Tai Hip Hop Culture ႁဝ်းလူဝ်ႇ ၶိုၼ်ႈသုင် ႁဵတ်းတႃႇ Shan State
မီး Gang Free Ten Toes, Bando ၶႂ်ႉလႆႈ Federated Shan State
E double S
Eastern Shan State GT E double S
N double S
Northern Shan State P P Free myself
ၽၢႆႇႁွင်ႇ ၽၢႆႇၸၢၼ်း မၼ်းၵႂၢင်ႇၼႃႇ Gangsters Hustler
RDRS ၵႂၢႇ ၽဵဝ်တီႈလႂ် Check ႁႃ
ဢဝ်တီၸႂ် TRAPSTAR
Shan state or Gun state ခမ်းရင်ꩻသား
စူခွုမ်ပေါင်ꩻစွုမ်ႏအုံအဝ်ႏ နာꩻမိဉ်ႏမဲဉ်ထွာ
လွဉ်ယိုဟုဲင်းအွဉ်လယ်ႏနာꩻတွမ်ႏကာ အသိန်ႏရေင်စား
အလွိုင်ႏသွတ်နဝ်ꩻ ထွာဒျာႏစဲ့သား (hm hm) အဝ်ႏဒျာႏစဲ့သား
နာꩻမိဉ်ႏမဲဉ်လꩻဒါႏ ယာယံတွမ်ႏယာမား
အဝ်ႏစွုမ်ႏစီႏလို့ ခွိုင်းစွဉ်ႏနာꩻကမဲဉ်ကား
Hoo Sorry စွပ်နာꩻ စွပ်ဒျာႏနာꩻ
ငမ်းမွိုန်းသွꩻပေႏ နီဒေါꩻထာꩻဒေါꩻဒျာႏတရာꩻ
နီရပ်ယိုကိုနဝ်ꩻ ထွုမ်ႏတရာꩻ မောꩻဒျာႏဖရာꩻ
နာꩻမိဉ်ႏဟွိုန်ထုံမောင်ႏငဝ်း ပျောႏထာꩻပျောႏဗာႏထာꩻ
အခြွိုင်ႏကွဉ်က အအုံအဝ်ႏတဲ့ တဲပ်မွေး
နာꩻမိဉ်ႏထင်းဒျာႏ လိုꩻရပ်ယို Date out တဲ့
We are the guys from shan state
That drill is come from Shan state
We don't make shit like your kid kid
We release our song on all public
We are new generation shan state's young men just big crazy on drill (ya-ya-ya)
This one is the collaboration of the Shan and Pa'O guys (ga-ga-ga)
We are the guys from shan state
That drill is come from Shan state
We don't make shit like your kid kid
We release our song on all public
We are new generation shan state's young men just big crazy on drill (ya-ya-ya)
This one is the collaboration of the Shan and Pa'O guys (ga-ga-ga)
ဢိင်ၼိူဝ်သင် ၽႂ်ႁူၼ်လင် Gang ႁဝ်းဢမ်ႇပႅတ်ႈ
Culture ၸၢဝ်းၶိူဝ်းဢၼ်ၸႅတ်ႈ
No Gang Fake in Shan State Free, free for Check
ဢဝ် AK Shot on your head
Native ႁဝ်းတိုၼ်းပဵၼ် Native & Gang လဵၵ်ႉလဵၵ်ႉ For Shan State ဢၼ်လီ
Negative ဢမ်ႇမီးဝႆႉတႃႇၸၢဝ်းၶိူဝ်း
‌မင်ၸိူဝ်းၶဝ်ဢမ်ႇႁဵတ်းလႆႈသေ သေႉဝႆႉၵူႈတီႈ
Drug life ဢမ်ႇၸႆႈၵဝ်ဢမ်ႇလဵၼ်ႈဝႆႉယႃမႃႉမွၵ်ႈလုတ်ႇ Weed ၵၼ်းၶၢဝ်ထႅမ်
Trapstar တူဝ်ၵဝ်ၵေႃႈပႆႇယွမ်းႁပ်ႉပဵၼ် Trapstar ယူႇယဵၼ်ဝႆႉဢမ်ႇမႅၼ်
The Gang Star for Shan State ဢမ်ႇလႅၼ်
พวกกูมี Next of the Plan
ၵဝ်ၵေႃႈမီး My fuckin next ၽႅၼ်
Pop နဲ့ Rock နဲ့ Trap နဲ့ Drill နဲ့ In The shan state အဝ်ႏလို
ထာꩻယူႏလီꩻအယဖုံႏ ကားကအဝ်ႏ နီပဝ်ႏထို
မဲဉ်ဗွောင်ဖေႏ သီမဲ့နား ကအဝ်ႏတမို
Pow pow pow ဆင်ႏမဲ့ ဆင်ႏမဲ့ နာꩻအဝ်ႏသို
We are the guys of ၁၃/ bro
ထီႏဖွီ ထီႏပေႏမွိုန်း ဆင်ႏမဲ့ ဆင်ႏမဲ့ နာꩻကဝ်ႏထို
(Ya) The biggest state with perfect diversity In the union
It was great in the past and it still great now with the young men
(Ya) Everywhere you can see the honesty
သၢဝ်ပဢူဝ်း သၢဝ်တႆး ၵျႃႇ ႁင်ႈလီ
မ်ႂႇသုင် မဂ်လာႏ From our state (de) just come and we will smoke weed
We are the guys from shan state
That drill is come from Shan state
We don't make shit like your kid kid
We release our song on all public
We are new generation shan state's young men just big crazy on drill (ya-ya-ya)
This one is the collaboration of the Shan and Pa'O guys (ga-ga-ga)
We are the guys from shan state
That drill is come from Shan state
We don't make shit like your kid kid
We release our song on all public
We are new generation shan state's young men just big crazy on drill (ya-ya-ya)
This one is the collaboration of the Shan and Pa'O guys (ga-ga-ga)

Curiosidades sobre a música 13/ G (feat. Khun Aung Hto, Leo Jom, Khun Htetz Naing & Tee Max) de Dope

De quem é a composição da música “13/ G (feat. Khun Aung Hto, Leo Jom, Khun Htetz Naing & Tee Max)” de Dope?
A música “13/ G (feat. Khun Aung Hto, Leo Jom, Khun Htetz Naing & Tee Max)” de Dope foi composta por Htun Win Hlaing, Khun Aung Hto, Sai Jom Meuxng, Sai Sein Seing.

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