How It Ends

Nicholas J Iurato, Jeanie Schroder, Shawn Gilbert, Thomas M Hagerman

Letra Tradução

Hold your grandmother's bible to your breast
Gonna put it to the test
You wanted it to be blessed
And in your heart
You know it to be true
You know what you gotta do
They all depend on you

And you already know
Yet you already know
How this will end

There is no escape
From the slave catcher's songs
For all of the loved ones gone
Forever's not so long
And in your soul
They poked a million holes
But you never let them show
Come on its time to go

And you already know
Yet you already know
How this will end

Now you've seen his face
And you know that there's a place in the sun
For all that you've done
For you and your children
No longer shall you need
You always wanted to believe
Just ask and you'll receive
Beyond your wildest dreams

And you already know
Yet you already know
How this will end

You already know (you already know)
You already know (you already know)
You already know
How this will end

Hold your grandmother's bible to your breast
Segure a bíblia da sua avó contra o seu peito
Gonna put it to the test
Vai colocá-la à prova
You wanted it to be blessed
Você queria que ela fosse abençoada
And in your heart
E no seu coração
You know it to be true
Você sabe que é verdade
You know what you gotta do
Você sabe o que tem que fazer
They all depend on you
Todos dependem de você
And you already know
E você já sabe
Yet you already know
Sim, você já sabe
How this will end
Como isso vai acabar
There is no escape
Não há escapatória
From the slave catcher's songs
Das canções do caçador de escravos
For all of the loved ones gone
Para todos os entes queridos que se foram
Forever's not so long
Para sempre não é tão longo
And in your soul
E na sua alma
They poked a million holes
Eles fizeram um milhão de buracos
But you never let them show
Mas você nunca os deixou aparecer
Come on its time to go
Vamos, é hora de ir
And you already know
E você já sabe
Yet you already know
Sim, você já sabe
How this will end
Como isso vai acabar
Now you've seen his face
Agora você viu o rosto dele
And you know that there's a place in the sun
E você sabe que há um lugar ao sol
For all that you've done
Para tudo que você fez
For you and your children
Para você e seus filhos
No longer shall you need
Você não precisará mais
You always wanted to believe
Você sempre quis acreditar
Just ask and you'll receive
Basta pedir e você receberá
Beyond your wildest dreams
Além dos seus sonhos mais loucos
And you already know
E você já sabe
Yet you already know
Sim, você já sabe
How this will end
Como isso vai acabar
You already know (you already know)
Você já sabe (você já sabe)
You already know (you already know)
Você já sabe (você já sabe)
You already know
Você já sabe
How this will end
Como isso vai acabar
Hold your grandmother's bible to your breast
Sostén la biblia de tu abuela contra tu pecho
Gonna put it to the test
Vas a ponerla a prueba
You wanted it to be blessed
Querías que fuera bendecida
And in your heart
Y en tu corazón
You know it to be true
Sabes que es verdad
You know what you gotta do
Sabes lo que tienes que hacer
They all depend on you
Todos dependen de ti
And you already know
Y ya lo sabes
Yet you already know
Aún ya lo sabes
How this will end
Cómo esto terminará
There is no escape
No hay escapatoria
From the slave catcher's songs
De las canciones del cazador de esclavos
For all of the loved ones gone
Para todos los seres queridos que se han ido
Forever's not so long
La eternidad no es tan larga
And in your soul
Y en tu alma
They poked a million holes
Han hecho un millón de agujeros
But you never let them show
Pero nunca los dejaste mostrar
Come on its time to go
Vamos, es hora de ir
And you already know
Y ya lo sabes
Yet you already know
Aún ya lo sabes
How this will end
Cómo esto terminará
Now you've seen his face
Ahora has visto su rostro
And you know that there's a place in the sun
Y sabes que hay un lugar en el sol
For all that you've done
Por todo lo que has hecho
For you and your children
Para ti y tus hijos
No longer shall you need
Ya no necesitarás más
You always wanted to believe
Siempre quisiste creer
Just ask and you'll receive
Solo pide y recibirás
Beyond your wildest dreams
Más allá de tus sueños más salvajes
And you already know
Y ya lo sabes
Yet you already know
Aún ya lo sabes
How this will end
Cómo esto terminará
You already know (you already know)
Ya lo sabes (ya lo sabes)
You already know (you already know)
Ya lo sabes (ya lo sabes)
You already know
Ya lo sabes
How this will end
Cómo esto terminará
Hold your grandmother's bible to your breast
Serre la bible de ta grand-mère contre ta poitrine
Gonna put it to the test
Tu vas la mettre à l'épreuve
You wanted it to be blessed
Tu voulais qu'elle soit bénie
And in your heart
Et dans ton cœur
You know it to be true
Tu sais que c'est vrai
You know what you gotta do
Tu sais ce que tu dois faire
They all depend on you
Ils dépendent tous de toi
And you already know
Et tu sais déjà
Yet you already know
Pourtant tu sais déjà
How this will end
Comment cela va se terminer
There is no escape
Il n'y a pas d'échappatoire
From the slave catcher's songs
Aux chansons du chasseur d'esclaves
For all of the loved ones gone
Pour tous les êtres chers disparus
Forever's not so long
L'éternité n'est pas si longue
And in your soul
Et dans ton âme
They poked a million holes
Ils ont percé un million de trous
But you never let them show
Mais tu ne les as jamais laissés paraître
Come on its time to go
Allez, il est temps de partir
And you already know
Et tu sais déjà
Yet you already know
Pourtant tu sais déjà
How this will end
Comment cela va se terminer
Now you've seen his face
Maintenant tu as vu son visage
And you know that there's a place in the sun
Et tu sais qu'il y a une place au soleil
For all that you've done
Pour tout ce que tu as fait
For you and your children
Pour toi et tes enfants
No longer shall you need
Tu n'auras plus besoin
You always wanted to believe
Tu as toujours voulu croire
Just ask and you'll receive
Il suffit de demander et tu recevras
Beyond your wildest dreams
Au-delà de tes rêves les plus fous
And you already know
Et tu sais déjà
Yet you already know
Pourtant tu sais déjà
How this will end
Comment cela va se terminer
You already know (you already know)
Tu sais déjà (tu sais déjà)
You already know (you already know)
Tu sais déjà (tu sais déjà)
You already know
Tu sais déjà
How this will end
Comment cela va se terminer
Hold your grandmother's bible to your breast
Halte die Bibel deiner Großmutter an deine Brust
Gonna put it to the test
Du wirst sie auf die Probe stellen
You wanted it to be blessed
Du wolltest, dass sie gesegnet ist
And in your heart
Und in deinem Herzen
You know it to be true
Weißt du, dass es wahr ist
You know what you gotta do
Du weißt, was du tun musst
They all depend on you
Sie alle sind auf dich angewiesen
And you already know
Und du weißt es bereits
Yet you already know
Ja, du weißt es bereits
How this will end
Wie das enden wird
There is no escape
Es gibt kein Entkommen
From the slave catcher's songs
Vor den Liedern des Sklavenfängers
For all of the loved ones gone
Für all die geliebten Menschen, die gegangen sind
Forever's not so long
Für immer ist nicht so lang
And in your soul
Und in deiner Seele
They poked a million holes
Haben sie eine Million Löcher gestochen
But you never let them show
Aber du hast sie nie gezeigt
Come on its time to go
Komm schon, es ist Zeit zu gehen
And you already know
Und du weißt es bereits
Yet you already know
Ja, du weißt es bereits
How this will end
Wie das enden wird
Now you've seen his face
Jetzt hast du sein Gesicht gesehen
And you know that there's a place in the sun
Und du weißt, dass es einen Platz in der Sonne gibt
For all that you've done
Für alles, was du getan hast
For you and your children
Für dich und deine Kinder
No longer shall you need
Du wirst nicht länger brauchen
You always wanted to believe
Du wolltest immer glauben
Just ask and you'll receive
Frag einfach und du wirst erhalten
Beyond your wildest dreams
Jenseits deiner kühnsten Träume
And you already know
Und du weißt es bereits
Yet you already know
Ja, du weißt es bereits
How this will end
Wie das enden wird
You already know (you already know)
Du weißt es bereits (du weißt es bereits)
You already know (you already know)
Du weißt es bereits (du weißt es bereits)
You already know
Du weißt es bereits
How this will end
Wie das enden wird
Hold your grandmother's bible to your breast
Tieni stretta al petto la bibbia di tua nonna
Gonna put it to the test
La metterai alla prova
You wanted it to be blessed
Volevi che fosse benedetta
And in your heart
E nel tuo cuore
You know it to be true
Sai che è vero
You know what you gotta do
Sai cosa devi fare
They all depend on you
Tutti dipendono da te
And you already know
E tu già lo sai
Yet you already know
Eppure già lo sai
How this will end
Come finirà
There is no escape
Non c'è scampo
From the slave catcher's songs
Dalle canzoni del cacciatore di schiavi
For all of the loved ones gone
Per tutti i cari andati
Forever's not so long
L'eternità non è così lunga
And in your soul
E nella tua anima
They poked a million holes
Hanno fatto un milione di buchi
But you never let them show
Ma non li hai mai fatti vedere
Come on its time to go
Dai, è ora di andare
And you already know
E tu già lo sai
Yet you already know
Eppure già lo sai
How this will end
Come finirà
Now you've seen his face
Ora hai visto il suo volto
And you know that there's a place in the sun
E sai che c'è un posto al sole
For all that you've done
Per tutto quello che hai fatto
For you and your children
Per te e i tuoi figli
No longer shall you need
Non avrai più bisogno
You always wanted to believe
Hai sempre voluto credere
Just ask and you'll receive
Basta chiedere e riceverai
Beyond your wildest dreams
Oltre i tuoi sogni più sfrenati
And you already know
E tu già lo sai
Yet you already know
Eppure già lo sai
How this will end
Come finirà
You already know (you already know)
Tu già lo sai (tu già lo sai)
You already know (you already know)
Tu già lo sai (tu già lo sai)
You already know
Tu già lo sai
How this will end
Come finirà

Curiosidades sobre a música How It Ends de DeVotchKa

Em quais álbuns a música “How It Ends” foi lançada por DeVotchKa?
DeVotchKa lançou a música nos álbums “How It Ends” em 2004 e “Little Miss Sunshine [B.O.F]” em 2007.
De quem é a composição da música “How It Ends” de DeVotchKa?
A música “How It Ends” de DeVotchKa foi composta por Nicholas J Iurato, Jeanie Schroder, Shawn Gilbert, Thomas M Hagerman.

Músicas mais populares de DeVotchKa

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