Time stops after the rain
Sunshine hugs cold tears
Beyond, I feel myself beyond
Our dark seasons come, return to light
Now you can take me, now I can feel you, a soldier by my side
Towns, squares, streets filled with people
fighting for Motherland
Этих дней не смокнет слава
These days will not cease glory
Не померкнет никогда
Do not ever fade
Партизанские отряды
guerrilla groups
занимали города
occupied cities
My fear leaves off forever
Rain shall fall over the corpses
Darkness hugs cold flesh
Beyond I feel myself beyond
Our dark seasons come, return to light
Now you must fight ‘em, now you are a soldier by my side
Towns, squares, streets, filled with people
Fighting for Motherland
Этих дней не смокнет слава
These days will not cease glory
Не померкнет никогда
Do not ever fade
Партизанские отряды
Guerrilla groups
занимали города
Occupied cities
Here it comes the Day of Victory
A day of revenge shall come, for all, in a partisan cry
Build another wall of peace in the world
And there’ll be justice for all
A new season blows and nothing like before
Sunshine hugs cold tears
Bring me some water, it’s last time I need it
I’m waiting for the last news, bringer of hope
Этих дней не смокнет слава
These days will not cease glory
Не померкнет никогда
Do not ever fade
Партизанские отряды
guerrilla groups
занимали города
Occupied cities
And I can’t die, I can’t die before that
И останутся как сказках
And will remain as in fairy tales
Как манящие огни
How alluring lights
Шли лихие эскадроны
Went dashing squads
Приамурских партизан
priamurskih guerrillas
A new season blows and nothing like before
Sunshine hugs cold tears
Bring me some water, it’s last time I need it
I’m waiting for the last news, bringer of hope