Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares
The Silent One's Torch
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
Souls of the Revolution
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
One Thousand Eyes
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
Flames upon the Weeping Winds
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
Carved in Bloodstone
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
A Crimson Sky's Command
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
暮沉武德殿/ Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace
2013 • Bú-Tik
烏牛欄大護法/ Millennia’s Faith Undone
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
Unlimited Taiwan
2009 • Mirror of Retribution
Taste the Black Tears
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
2010 • Painkiller
陰法渡冥河/ The Aroused
2009 • Mirror of Retribution
火薰時代/ Resurrection Pyre
2013 • Bú-Tik
亡命關/ Between Silence and Death
2013 • Bú-Tik
本願/ Drawing Omnipotence Nigh
2018 • Battlefields of Asura
Venom In My veins
Todas as Músicas
49 Theurgy Chains
A Crimson Sky's Command
Across The Sea
Across the Sea / 越海
Banished into Death
Bloody Cloud
Bloody Cloud / 血雲朵
Bloody Gaya Fulfilled
Bloody Waves Of Sorrow
Blooming Blades
Breath Of Ocean
Broken Jade
Carved in Bloodstone
Deep Rising
Exultant Suicide
Flames upon the Weeping Winds
Floated Unconsciously In the Acheron
Forty-Nine Theurgy Chains
Grab The Soul To Hell
Guard The Isle Eternally
Hearts Condemmed
Holy War
Indigenous Laceration
Legacy Of The Seediq
Mother Isle Disingrated, Aboriginal Gods Enthroned
Next Republic
One Thousand Eyes
Onset Of Tragedy
Progeny of Rmdaxtasing
Quasi Putrefaction
Quell The Souls In Sing Ling Temple
Rage Of My Sword
Relentless Recurrence
Resurrection Pyre
Revert To Mortal Territory
Rise Of The Shadows
Root Regeneration
Sail Into The Sunset's Fire
Set Fire To The Island
Sing Linng Temple
Souls of the Revolution
Southern Cross
Spell Of Setting Sun: Mirror Of Retribution
Summon of China
Supreme Pain For The Tyrant
Taste the Black Tears
The Aroused
The Gods Weep
The Silent One's Torch
Unlimited Taiwan
Venom In My veins
Where the Utux Ancestors Wait
Yen Geh Shin
Yen Geh Shin / 燕歌行
亡命關/ Between Silence and Death
千歲 (qiān suì)
合掌 (gassho)
天誅 (tiān zhū)
失落的令旗 (shīluò de lìngqí)
昭應 (zhao ying)
暮沉武德殿/ Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace
本願/ Drawing Omnipotence Nigh
火薰時代/ Resurrection Pyre
烏牛欄大護法 (wū niú lán dà hù fǎ)
烏牛欄大護法/ Millennia’s Faith Undone
燕歌行 (yen geh hsin)
第七章 殺途 (復讎之一)/ Vengeance Arise
第三章 恨葬林投/ Obituary Tuning
第九章 掠魂入閻獄 (復讎之三)/ Grab the Soul to Hell
第二章 悲命格/ Onset of Tragedy
第五章 返陽救子/ Revert to Mortal Territory
第八章 恨弒三界 (復讎之二) / Slaughter in Tri-Territory
第六章 厲鬼生/ Funest Demon Born
第十章 永劫輪迴/ Relentless Recurrence
第四章 冥河冤賦/ Grievance, Acheron Poem
越海 第二樂章 - 深耕 (yuè hǎi dì èr lè zhāng - shēn gēng)
醒靈寺/ Sing - Ling Temple
鑒國 (jiàn guó)
陰法渡冥河/ The Aroused
髮扣帶 (fà kòu dài)
髮扣帶 (fà kòu dài) (Special Version)
Curiosidades sobre Chthonic
- Qual o álbum mais recente de Chthonic?
- O álbum mais recente de Chthonic é o “Megaport 2021”, lançado em 2021 com 9 faixas.
- Qual o álbum mais antigo de Chthonic?
- O álbum mais antigo de Chthonic é o “Takasago Army” com 10 faixas.
- Qual a música de maior sucesso de Chthonic?
- A música mais popular de Chthonic é “The Silent One's Torch”, do álbum “Battlefields of Asura”, lançado em 2018.
- Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Chthonic?
- Entre 1999 e 2021, 13 Álbuns foram lançados por Chthonic.