Her Name

Every night before I sleep I fear I'll dream of you
But I guess it's just something that I'm getting used to

cnd everytime I see your beautiful face
It's like losing something that could be yours and is impossible to replace

Loving you is curse it's here then it's there
It's something I can't control It's like a warfare

I gave you all my love just for you to take
You stole away my heart just to watch it break

My heart's still aching, it won't let go
Of the love we had, of the highs and lows
You were the one I thought I'd keep
But now I'm standing here, alone and incomplete

Every night I pray for a way to move on
For a chance to forget you and the love that's gone
But memories of you won't fade away
cnd my heart is broken, with nothing left to say

Loving you was like a beautiful dream
But now I'm awake, and nothing's what it seems
I thought we had forever, but it was just a lie
cnd now I'm left with tears, and a heart that can't deny

The pain of losing you, the emptiness inside
c love that's lost, a part of me that died
But I'll keep moving forward, one step at a time
Hoping someday I'll find love that's truly mine

My burning desire for you never fades
c flame that ignites, but never fades
I long to hold you, to feel your embrace
But the distance between us is a dark, lonely space

I can't process what happened to us
The love we shared, now turned to dust
I thought we had it all, but it slipped away
Leaving me with nothing to do but pray

I thought we were forever, but it was just a dream
c vision of love, that was never what it seemed
Now I'm left with emptiness, and a silent scream
Wishing I could turn back time, and redeem

I miss your touch, your warm embrace
The way you smiled, and lit up my face
But now I'm alone, and feeling blue
Wondering if there's anything I can do

To bring us back to the love we shared
c bond that was once unbreakable, now impaired
I know it's over, but I can't let go
Of the love we had, and the highs and lows

So I'll keep holding on, to the memories we made
Of the love we shared, and the promises we made
Hoping someday we'll find our way
Back to each other, where our hearts will stay.

But as the night draws near and stars arise
I feel the ache within, the pain in my eyes
Our love has vanished, like sand in the wind
Leaving me here, with a broken heart to tend

The world spins on, but I'm stuck in time
Haunted by the past, that's now a paradigm
I thought we were forever, but it was just a lie
cnd now I'm left with nothing, but the tears I cry

My heart is shattered, and I'm in despair
Wondering if anyone will ever care
But until then, I'll mourn the love we had
cnd hope someday, I'll no longer feel so sad

cs the sun sets and the darkness falls
I'll whisper your name, as my heart calls
For the love we shared, that now is gone
Leaving me with nothing but a sad song

So here I stand, alone in the night
Wishing you were here, to make everything right
But it's too late now, and I must let go
Of the love we shared, and the memories I'll forever hold.

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