Have you anything to say?...
to say to me?
(I do)
It's singing a new song of true love
A lover she can give her heart to
(I am)
It's true
Companions wonder down a cobble stoned path alone
Holding each others hands with steam rising from palms that atone
A timid, tired bumble bee seeks solace
so rests on a lovers arm
And though the skin is stirred she feels nothing
She's found her lover, found Felicity
Out of body
Out of mind
And in two/into hearts
Companions settle on a mossy brown bench a while
Their Skylark perched beside them blessing this moment with a smile
It knows the light they share is strong and lawless
Resistant to shallow charm
Relieved to witness this it starts singing
It's journey is done
She's found her lover, found Felicity
And glad she waited
Out of body
Out of mind
Out of body
Out of mind
And in two/into hearts