It Fell on a Summer's Day
Thomas Campion
It fell on a summer's day
While sweet Bessy sleeping lay
In her bower on her bed
Light with curtains shadowed
Jamie came: she him spies
Op'ning half her heavy eyes
Jamie came in through the door
She lay slumb'ring as before
Softly to her he drew near
She heard him, yet would not hear
Bessy vowed not to speak
He resolved that dump to break
First a soft kiss he doth take
She lay still and would not wake
Then his hands learned to woo
She dreamt not what he would do
But still slept, while he smiled
To see love by sleep beguiled
Jamie then began to play
Bessy as one buried lay
Gladly still through this sleight
Deceiv'd in her own deceit
And since this trance begun
She sleeps every afternoon