Troubled By Insects

Cap’n Jazz

his lips smack (i'll do anything) a global splendor of gluttony.
he's got a smile (i'll do anything) like he was born to be president.
you ask about politics i answer about people. let's spit for territories.
split up the not enough to go around. just let me keep all these wants i need.
i'll do whatever you want me to. you present your presence like grabby gift day presents. we all suck your bloated white bread fill but i'm still always starving. you ask about people and i tell you we're all sluts on the inside. i'm doing all you told me. get your world off my back. i've been stuffed fat and pounded fat. i've shrunken it. i've sunk in it. i've drowned in all i've found in it.

Músicas mais populares de Cap'n Jazz

Puddle Splashers

1995 • Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped On and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over

Planet Shhh

1995 • Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped On and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over

In The Clear

1995 • Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped On and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over

Basil's Kite

1995 • Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped On and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over

Yes, I Am Talking To You

1995 • Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped On and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over

Winter wonderland

1998 • Analphabetapolothology

We Are Scientists!

1993 • Sometimes If You Stand Further Away From Something, It Does Not Seem As Big. Sometimes You Can Stand So Close To Something You Can Not Tell What You Are Looking At.


1998 • Analphabetapolothology

The Sands Have Turned Purple

1995 • Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped On and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over

Take on me

1998 • Analphabetapolothology

Scary Kids Scaring Kids

1998 • Analphabetapolothology

Rocky Rococo

1998 • Analphabetapolothology

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