Fid-dlam ta’ dejjem
Monstrous burning chasm cracks the planet surface
Exhaling a haunting smoke
Scalding lava
Walk straight into the mouth of the earth
The bottomless pit whose smoke darkens the sun
As deep below the earth as heaven is high
As deep below the earth as heaven is high
Fejn kollox jintesa maz-zmien
Ikkundannati ghad-dlam ta' dejjem
Utter hopelessness
Unquencable thirst
Eternal hunger and endless sorrow
As deep below the earth as heaven is high
As deep below the earth as heaven is high
Scalded by a boiling river of blood
Under the earth in the grim stark terrain
Carcasses swamped by feaces and mud
And insolence dwells through unnerving disclain
Fl-etern dlam tal-infern
Where nothing is living as far as the eye can see
Where nothing exists not was it meant to be