Hate Crime

Sidney Allen Johnson

Pity, pity, pity me
The wretched moan incessantly
They justify their thievery
Saying pity, pity, pity me
Scorns every decent thought
What menace has he wrought?
Lies and slander twist in knots
Delusion is all he's got
Always the same old cry
Pity those who terrorize
The vermin screams "equal rights"
And wickedness is legalized
Always he's managed to find
Allies of a simple mind
No, they don't realize
They're just used to spread his lies
Set upon each other's throats
Full of rage and hate
To kill and maim for a cause in which they have no stake!
Pity, pity pity me
The wretched moan incessantly
They justify their thievery
Saying pity, pity pity me
I don't owe you sympathy
Don't expect a thing from me
You're a living, breathing, blasphemy
You're what you chose to be!
Hate Crime
Thought crime
Your Crime
Is a hate crime
He's free enough to find
Loathsome words that twist the mind
Evade and redefine
And order is undermined
Lacking self-discipline
Fools will shed their tears for him
For in the game of false oppression
The victim always wins

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