I've met a lot of people in my life
I've seen tall, short, green and blue eyes
But setting asside all the diference
Everyone's just looking for the same in the end
Everybody wants love in the morning
Everybody needs love in the evening
Everybody needs someone to be their friend
And don't get me wrong listen to me
don't trust what you have seen in the movies
cause love goes beyond than a boyfriend or girlfriend
love your cat love the grass and the forest around you, you, you
Everybody wants love in the morning
Everybody needs love in the evening
Everybody needs someone to be their friend
To be their friend
Love (in the morning)
Love (in the morning)
In the evening
Love (in the morning)
No em diguis ara o mai (mai)
No em diguis ara o mai (mai)
Oh m'és igual si és dilluns o és dimarts
jo el que vull
és estar amb tu
és estar amb tu