Hideous New Gods
"Their god commandeth crimes, ours doth giveth blessings upon us
The Good Lord hath ordained vengeance;
He will give strength to our arms and courage to our hearts
Cast down the image of the god of the blancs
Because he maketh the tears to flow from our eyes
Hearken unto Liberty that speaketh now in all your hearts"
Centrifugal totem splinter'd
Doric diadem dissolve
Corinth, whereupon lofty layeth the crown
Down comе crashing
Denigrate the world pillar
Et еat spurn
Erect within the lowest naos of vitriol a potomitan
Zo li mache, li mache
Zo li mache, li mache
Distant like Bondye, et bond ye
Complete disintegration of the Axis Mundi
O, that which might give forth light must endure burning
Must endure... burning...
Zo li mache, li mache
Zo li mache, li mache
Cast down the god of the white man, and cast him down forever