Make We Joy Now in this Fest
Make we joy now in this fest,
In quo Christus natus est. (On which Christ was born)
Eya, eya.
A Patre Unigenitus, (The only Son of the Father)
Is through a maiden come to us:
Sing we of Him and say 'Welcome'
Veni, Redemptor gencium. (Come, Redeemer of mankind)
Agnoscat omne seculum, (Let all the world acknowledge Thee)
A bright star made three kings to come,
Him for to seek with their presents,
Verbum supertum prodiens. (Showing forth the high Word)
A solis ortus cardine, (Arisen from the quarter of the sun)
So mighty a Lord is none as He:
And to our kind He hath Him knit,
Adam parens quod polluit. (Which Adam, the parent, did pollute)
Maria ventre concepit, (Conceived in Mary's womb)
The Holy Ghost was aye her with,
Of her in Bethlem born He is,
Consors paterni luminis. (Consort of the light of the Father)
O Lux beata Trinitas, (O blessed light of the Trinity)
He lay between an ox and ass,
Beside His mother maiden free,
Gloria Tibi Domine. (Glory to Thee, O Lord)