Vox clara ecce intonat
Vox clara ecce intonat
Obscura quaeque increpat
Procul fugentur somnia
Ab aethere Christus promicat
Mens iam resurgat torpida
Quae sorde exstat saucia
Sidus refulget iam novum
Ut tollat omne noxium
E sursum Agnus mittitur
Laxare gratis debitum
Omnes pro indulgentia
Vocem demus cum lacrimis
Secundo ut cum fulserit
Mundumque horror cinxerit
Non pro reatu puniat
Sed nos pius tunc protegat
Summo Parenti gloria
Natoque sit victoria
Et Flamini laus debita
Per saeculorum saecula. Amen
Listen! A ringing voice thunders out
Rattling every dark thing
Let dreams be routed far away
Christ gleams out from the upper air
Let the sluggish mind, which is still
Sick with squalor, rise up again
Now a new star glistens
To take every hurt away
The Lamb is sent from above
Freely to clear our debt
For this tenderness, let us each
Lift up our voice with our tears
So that, when his light glares out again
And terror has enclosed the world
He should not punish us for our guilt,
But protect us, then, in his kindness
May glory be to the highest Father
And victory to the Son
And the praise which is owed to the Spirit
Throughout the ages of ages. Amen