Winter's cityside
Crystal bits of snowflakes
All around my head and in the wind
I had no illusions
That I'd ever find a glimpse
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
You did what you did to me
Now it's history, I see
Here's my comeback on the road again
Things will happen while they can
I will wait here for my man tonight
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Of strange illuminated mannequins
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Or should I go and change my point of view
For other ugly scenes
You did what you did to me
Now it's history I see
Things will happen while they can
I will wait here for my man tonight
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Big in Japan, be tight
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, when you're big in Japan
A Fascinante Jornada de Sucesso em Big In Japan de Alphaville
A música 'Big In Japan' do grupo Alphaville, lançada em 1984, é uma das canções mais emblemáticas da banda alemã e do movimento synth-pop dos anos 80. A letra da música aborda a temática do sucesso e como ele pode alterar a percepção da realidade e as relações interpessoais. A expressão Big in Japan pode ser interpretada como uma metáfora para alcançar o sucesso em um lugar onde ninguém te conhece, sugerindo que, mesmo que não se seja reconhecido em seu próprio país, há um lugar onde se pode ser famoso e admirado.
A letra começa com uma descrição poética de uma cidade no inverno, sugerindo uma sensação de isolamento e desejo por algo mais quente e acolhedor, talvez um sucesso ou reconhecimento que aqueça a alma do narrador. A repetição do refrão 'It's easy when you're big in Japan' reforça a ideia de que o sucesso pode facilitar muitas coisas, como relações e oportunidades, mas também pode ser efêmero e desorientador, como as 'silhuetas de estranhos manequins iluminados' que passam pela pele nua do narrador, uma imagem que evoca a artificialidade e a solidão que podem acompanhar a fama.
Alphaville, com seu estilo musical marcado por sintetizadores e letras introspectivas, captura nessa canção a dualidade do sucesso. Por um lado, há o glamour e a facilidade aparente que ele traz, mas por outro, há a alienação e a perda de perspectiva. Big in Japan se tornou um hino para muitos que sonham com o estrelato, ao mesmo tempo em que serve como um lembrete das armadilhas que o sucesso pode trazer.
Winter's cityside
Inverno do lado da cidade
Crystal bits of snowflakes
Pedacinhos de cristal de flocos de neve
All around my head and in the wind
Por toda a minha cabeça e sob o vento
I had no illusions
Eu não tinha ilusões
That I'd ever find a glimpse
Que alguma dia eu encontraria um vislumbre
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
De ondas de calor do verão em seus olhos
You did what you did to me
Você fez o que fez comigo
Now it's history, I see
Agora vejo que virou história
Here's my comeback on the road again
Aqui está meu retorno de volta a estrada
Things will happen while they can
As coisas vão acontecer enquanto podem
I will wait here for my man tonight
Aqui vou esperar pelo meu homem esta noite
It's easy when you're big in Japan
É fácil quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão, esta noite
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande no Japão, seja firme
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande no Japão, uh, o mar oriental é tão azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande no Japão, tudo bem
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Pague, então eu vou dormir ao seu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
As coisas são fáceis quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Neon na minha pele nua, passando por silhuetas
Of strange illuminated mannequins
De estranhos manequins iluminados
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Devo ficar aqui no zoológico
Or should I go and change my point of view
Ou devo ir e mudar meu ponto de vista?
For other ugly scenes
Para outras cenas feias
You did what you did to me
Você fez o que fez comigo
Now it's history I see
Agora vejo que virou história
Things will happen while they can
As coisas vão acontecer enquanto podem
I will wait here for my man tonight
Aqui vou esperar pelo meu homem esta noite
It's easy when you're big in Japan
É fácil quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão, esta noite
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande no Japão, seja firme
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande no Japão, uh o mar oriental é tão azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande no Japão, tudo bem
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Pague, então eu vou dormir ao seu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
As coisas são fáceis quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão
Esta noite
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande no Japão, seja firme
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande no Japão, uh o mar oriental é tão azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande no Japão, tudo bem
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Pague, então eu vou dormir ao seu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
As coisas são fáceis quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão, esta noite
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande no Japão, seja firme
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande no Japão, uh o mar oriental é tão azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande no Japão, tudo bem
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Pague, então eu vou dormir ao seu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
As coisas são fáceis quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão
Esta noite
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande no Japão, seja firme
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande no Japão, uh o mar oriental é tão azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande no Japão, tudo bem
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Pague, então eu vou dormir ao seu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
As coisas são fáceis quando você é grande no Japão
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando você é grande no Japão
Winter's cityside
Lado citadino del invierno
Crystal bits of snowflakes
Pedazos de cristal de copos de nieve
All around my head and in the wind
Todo alrededor de mi cabeza y en el viento
I had no illusions
No tenía ilusiones
That I'd ever find a glimpse
De que encontraría un vistazo
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
De las olas de calor del verano en tus ojos
You did what you did to me
Sabes lo que me hiciste
Now it's history, I see
Ahora es historia, lo veo
Here's my comeback on the road again
Aquí está mi regreso en el camino otra vez
Things will happen while they can
Cosas sucederán mientras puedan
I will wait here for my man tonight
Esperaré aquí por mi hombre esta noche
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Es fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón, esta noche
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande en Japón, espera
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande en Japón, uh el mar oriental es tan azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande en Japón, bueno
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, entonces dormiré a tu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Las cosas son fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Neón sobre mi piel desnuda, pasando silueta
Of strange illuminated mannequins
De maniquíes extrañamente iluminados
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Debería quedarme aquí en el zoológico
Or should I go and change my point of view
O debería irme y cambiar mi parecer
For other ugly scenes
Por otras feas escenas
You did what you did to me
Tú hiciste lo que me hiciste
Now it's history I see
Ahora es historia, veo
Things will happen while they can
Cosas sucederán mientras puedan
I will wait here for my man tonight
Esperaré aquí por mi hombre esta noche
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Es fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón, esta noche
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande en Japón, espera
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande en Japón, uh el mar oriental es tan azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande en Japón, bueno
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, entonces dormiré a tu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Las cosas son fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón
Esta noche
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande en Japón, espera
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande en Japón, uh el mar oriental es tan azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande en Japón, bueno
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, entonces dormiré a tu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Las cosas son fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, es fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande en Japón, espera
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande en Japón, uh el mar oriental es tan azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande en Japón, bueno
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, entonces dormiré a tu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Las cosas son fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón
Esta noche
Big in Japan, be tight
Grande en Japón, espera
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grande en Japón, uh el mar oriental es tan azul
Big in Japan, alright
Grande en Japón, bueno
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, entonces dormiré a tu lado
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Las cosas son fácil cuando eres grande en Japón
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, cuando eres grande en Japón
Winter's cityside
La ville en hiver
Crystal bits of snowflakes
Des morceaux de cristal de flocons de neige
All around my head and in the wind
Tout autour de ma tête et dans le vent
I had no illusions
Je ne me faisais pas d'illusions
That I'd ever find a glimpse
Que je trouverais un jour un aperçu
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
De la canicule de l'été dans tes yeux
You did what you did to me
Tu as fait ce que tu m'as fait
Now it's history, I see
Maintenant c'est de l'histoire ancienne, je vois
Here's my comeback on the road again
Voici mon retour sur la route à nouveau
Things will happen while they can
Les choses se passeront tant qu'elles le pourront
I will wait here for my man tonight
J'attendrai mon homme ici ce soir
It's easy when you're big in Japan
C'est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon, ce soir
Big in Japan, be tight
Grand au Japon, serre-toi
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grand au Japon, ooh la mer de l'est est si bleue
Big in Japan, alright
Grand au Japon, d'accord
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paye, alors je dormirai à tes côtés
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Tout est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Des néons sur ma peau nue, des silhouettes de passage
Of strange illuminated mannequins
D'étranges mannequins illuminés
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Dois-je rester ici au zoo
Or should I go and change my point of view
Ou dois-je partir et changer de point de vue?
For other ugly scenes
Pour d'autres scènes hideuses
You did what you did to me
Tu as fait ce que tu m'as fait
Now it's history I see
Maintenant c'est de l'histoire ancienne, je vois
Things will happen while they can
Les choses se passeront tant qu'elles le pourront
I will wait here for my man tonight
J'attendrai mon homme ici ce soir
It's easy when you're big in Japan
C'est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon, ce soir
Big in Japan, be tight
Grand au Japon, serre-toi
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grand au Japon, ooh la mer de l'est est si bleue
Big in Japan, alright
Grand au Japon, d'accord
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paye, alors je dormirai à tes côtés
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Tout est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon
Ce soir
Big in Japan, be tight
Grand au Japon, serre-toi
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grand au Japon, ooh la mer de l'est est si bleue
Big in Japan, alright
Grand au Japon, d'accord
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paye, alors je dormirai à tes côtés
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Tout est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon, ce soir
Big in Japan, be tight
Grand au Japon, serre-toi
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grand au Japon, ooh la mer de l'est est si bleue
Big in Japan, alright
Grand au Japon, d'accord
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paye, alors je dormirai à tes côtés
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Tout est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon
Ce soir
Big in Japan, be tight
Grand au Japon, serre-toi
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Grand au Japon, ooh la mer de l'est est si bleue
Big in Japan, alright
Grand au Japon, d'accord
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paye, alors je dormirai à tes côtés
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Tout est facile quand on est grand au Japon
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quand on est grand au Japon
Winter's cityside
Winterliche Stadtlandschaft
Crystal bits of snowflakes
Schneeflöckchen in Kristallform
All around my head and in the wind
Um meinen Kopf herum und im Wind
I had no illusions
Ich hatte keine Illusionen
That I'd ever find a glimpse
Dass ich jemals einen Blick finden würde
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
Von sommerlichen Hitzewellen in deinen Augen
You did what you did to me
Du hast getan, was du mir angetan hast
Now it's history, I see
Nun ist es Geschichte, wie ich sehe
Here's my comeback on the road again
Hier ist mein Comeback auf der Straße wieder
Things will happen while they can
Dinge werden geschehen, solange sie können
I will wait here for my man tonight
Ich werde heute Nacht hier auf meinen Mann warten
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Es ist einfach, wenn du berühmt in Japan bist
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, wenn du heute Abend berühmt in Japan bist
Big in Japan, be tight
Berühmt in Japan, bleib gespannt
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Berühmt in Japan, ooh das östliche Meer ist so blau
Big in Japan, alright
Berühmt in Japan, okay
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Bezahl, dann schlafe ich an deiner Seite
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Alles ist einfach, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Neon auf meiner nackten Haut, vorbeiziehende Silhouetten
Of strange illuminated mannequins
Von seltsam beleuchteten Schaufensterpuppen
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Soll ich hier im Chaos bleiben
Or should I go and change my point of view
Oder soll ich gehen und meinen Blickwinkel ändern
For other ugly scenes
Für andere hässliche Szenen
You did what you did to me
Du hast getan, was du mir angetan hast
Now it's history I see
Jetzt ist es Geschichte, ich sehe
Things will happen while they can
Die Dinge werden geschehen, solange sie können
I will wait here for my man tonight
Ich werde heute Nacht hier auf meinen Mann warten
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Alles ist einfach, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, wenn du heute Abend berühmt in Japan bist
Big in Japan, be tight
Berühmt in Japan, bleib gespannt
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Berühmt in Japan, ooh das östliche Meer ist so blau
Big in Japan, alright
Berühmt in Japan, okay
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Bezahl, dann schlafe ich an deiner Seite
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Alles ist einfach, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Heute Abend
Big in Japan, be tight
Berühmt in Japan, bleib gespannt
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Berühmt in Japan, ooh das östliche Meer ist so blau
Big in Japan, alright
Berühmt in Japan, okay
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Bezahl, dann schlafe ich an deiner Seite
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Alles ist einfach, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, wenn du heute Abend berühmt in Japan bist
Big in Japan, be tight
Berühmt in Japan, bleib gespannt
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Berühmt in Japan, ooh das östliche Meer ist so blau
Big in Japan, alright
Berühmt in Japan, okay
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Bezahl, dann schlafe ich an deiner Seite
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Alles ist einfach, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Heute Abend
Big in Japan, be tight
Berühmt in Japan, bleib gespannt
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Berühmt in Japan, ooh das östliche Meer ist so blau
Big in Japan, alright
Berühmt in Japan, okay
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Bezahl, dann schlafe ich an deiner Seite
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Alles ist einfach, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, wenn man in Japan berühmt ist
Winter's cityside
L'inverno in città
Crystal bits of snowflakes
Fiochi di neve come pezzettini di cristallo
All around my head and in the wind
Tutti attorno alla mia testa e nel vento
I had no illusions
Non mi sono fatto illusioni
That I'd ever find a glimpse
Che avrei mai trovato uno scorcio
Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes
Delle ondate di calore estive nei tuoi occhi
You did what you did to me
Hai fatto quello che mi hai fatto
Now it's history, I see
Ora è storia, capisco
Here's my comeback on the road again
Ecco di nuovo il mio ritorno sulla strada
Things will happen while they can
Le cose succederanno quando possono
I will wait here for my man tonight
Aspetterò qui per il mio uomo stasera
It's easy when you're big in Japan
È facile quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone, stasera
Big in Japan, be tight
Famoso in Giappone, stai teso
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Famoso in Giappone, uuh il mare orientale è così blu
Big in Japan, alright
Famoso in Giappone, va bene
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, poi dormirò al tuo fianco
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Le cose sono facili quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone
Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes
Neon sulla mia pelle nuda, passando sagome
Of strange illuminated mannequins
Di strani manichini illuminati
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Rimango qui all zoo
Or should I go and change my point of view
O me ne vado e cambio il mio punto di vista
For other ugly scenes
Per altre brutte scene
You did what you did to me
Hai fatto quello che mi hai fatto
Now it's history I see
Ora è storia, capisco
Things will happen while they can
Le cose succederanno quando possono
I will wait here for my man tonight
Aspetterò qui per il mio uomo stasera
It's easy when you're big in Japan
Oh, è facile quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone, stasera
Big in Japan, be tight
Famoso in Giappone, stai teso
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Famoso in Giappone, uuh il mare orientale è così blu
Big in Japan, alright
Famoso in Giappone, va bene
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, poi dormirò al tuo fianco
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Le cose sono facili quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone
Big in Japan, be tight
Famoso in Giappone, stai teso
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Famoso in Giappone, uuh il mare orientale è così blu
Big in Japan, alright
Famoso in Giappone, va bene
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, poi dormirò al tuo fianco
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Le cose sono facili quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan, tonight
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone, stasera
Big in Japan, be tight
Famoso in Giappone, stai teso
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Famoso in Giappone, uuh il mare orientale è così blu
Big in Japan, alright
Famoso in Giappone, va bene
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, poi dormirò al tuo fianco
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Le cose sono facili quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone
Big in Japan, be tight
Famoso in Giappone, stai teso
Big in Japan, ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Famoso in Giappone, uuh il mare orientale è così blu
Big in Japan, alright
Famoso in Giappone, va bene
Pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Paga, poi dormirò al tuo fianco
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Le cose sono facili quando sei famoso in Giappone
Oh, when you're big in Japan
Oh, quando sei famoso in Giappone
[ヴァース 1]
[プレコーラス 1]
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら、今夜、日本でビッグになって、タイトになって
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら
[ヴァース 2]
[プレコーラス 2]
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら、 今夜、日本でビッグになって、タイトになって
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら、 今夜、日本でビッグになって、タイトになって
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら、今夜、日本でビッグになって、タイトになって
日本でビッグになって、alright、 払ったら君の側で寝るよ
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら、今夜、日本でビッグになって、タイトになって
Oh、 日本でビッグになったら