Alex Walton by Alex Walton From the Album Alex Walton
[laugh] Ph, I feel so real. [throat clearing] [audience laughter] I feel so unnecessary
I'm still licking the roof of my mouth
From where I burned it with a microwave burrito last night
It's all smooth like Silly Putty still in the egg
Not like razor burns on my leg
Invoked in hopes of achieving something like an image only existing in my head
Last month I drove myself deaf blasting Beach Life-In-Death
On my way to pick up McDonald's breakfast every morning
A girl still in mourning, over what, she's not sure
There is no known cure for this kinda feeling
Her eyes on the ceiling, her head on the floor
When you're in a place that don't let you lock your doors
And the walls are painted blue and there's no handles on the drawers
All the things that are absent made you think about the things in real life that aren't
Heaven is a place where you aren't allowed to kill yourself
Heaven is a place where you're not allowed to kill yourself
A little ivermectin and a whole lotta soul
Hyperbolic statements about rock and roll
A good amount of aspartame and sublingual estradiol
Thai sweet chili and sexuality on trial
Hyper-confessional and overwhelming sincere
The kinda girl who vomits after one beer
Truly ineffectual at righting my wrongs
I've been the subject of too many songs
Teaspoon of lithium and a heaping of guilt
How long can you cry over spilled milk
An unspecified amount of sexual partners
Hospitalizations, half-finished books, and late departures
I'm in love with thieves, martyrs, and farmer's daughters
Expensive silk draped over cheap tights and garters
Rock and roll statesman no longer tasteful
My modeled horse brays: Oh isn't this wasteful
Know that sound but not too much
As the oracle at Delphi say
I know that sound far too much
To believe anything that I say
Now take this all as you will and write it down if you must
Let it supply a paragraph of your coffee table book
About the interpersonal dynamics of
Boston based transsexual pop pariahs between the years of, uh, 2018 and 2025
Uh, kinda hopeful thing I would hope it will be
Though I can't say I'll be painted in the best light
Every statement of my values to myself is all I can try for
Every statement of my values to myself
Thank you [audience clapping]