I Always Liked Men With Good Hands
Potentially working
Body's not responding
Suddenly I'm the enemy
Nothing happens the way it should be
Nothing happens the way it should be
It should be, it should be
My lovers do anything
To fix the problem
I always liked men with good hands
I always liked men with good hands
I always liked men with good hands
My lovers do anything
To fix the problem
To fix
I always liked men with good hands
I always liked men with good hands
To fix the problem
I always liked men
I always liked men with good...
Potentially working
Body's not responding
Suddenly I'm the enemy
Nothing happens the way it should be
Nothing happens the way it should be
It should be
Potentially working
Body's not responding
Potentially working
Body's not, body's not
Body's not, body's not
Body's not, body's not
Body's not, body's not
I always liked men with good hands
I always liked men with good hands
To fix the problem
I always liked men
I always liked men with good...