Falling For U (part. Mr. Jam)

Significado da letra

It's so clear
Can't hide my pride when I have you near
It's no surprise love has knocked me down
'Cause I saw heaven in your eyes

It's so strong
Can't help myself when I feel it's wrong
Something inside me says "Take a chance"
Want to try on this romance

No matter we're from worlds apart
Who said that we would get this far
It's so platonic but it's true

I just keep on falling

I keep on falling for you
I keep on falling in love with you
Can you make this feeling last forever?
All you gotta do is say you feel it too

I keep on falling for you
I keep on falling in love with you
Can't you see that we belong together?
All you gotta do is say you feel it too

Curiosidades sobre a música Falling For U (part. Mr. Jam) da Wanessa Camargo

Em quais álbuns a música “Falling For U (part. Mr. Jam)” foi lançada por Wanessa Camargo?
Wanessa Camargo lançou a música nos álbums “Você Não Perde por Esperar” em 2010, “10 Anos de Carreira No Citbank Bank” em 2010, “DNA” em 2011 e “DNA Tour” em 2013.

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