Is It Really So Strange?

Johnny Marr / Morrissey

I left the north
I traveled south
I found a tiny house
and I can't help the way I feel
Oh yes, you can kick me
And you can punch me
And you can break my face
But you won't change the way I feel
'Cause I love you

And is it really so strange?
Oh, is it really so strange?
Oh, is it really so, really so strange?
I say no, you say yes
(and you will change your mind)

I left the south
I traveled north
I got confused - I killed a horse
I can't help the way I feel
Oh yes, you can punch me
And you can butt me
And you can break my spine
But you won't change the way I feel
'Cause i love you

And is it really so strange?
Oh, is it really so strange?
Oh, is it really so, really so strange?
I say no, you say yes
(but you will change your mind)

I left the north again
I traveled south again
and I got confused - I killed a nun
I can't help the way I feel
I can't help the way I feel
I can't help the way I feel
(I lost my bag in Newport Pagnell)

Why is the last mile the hardest mile?
My throat was dry, with the sun in my eyes
And I realized, I realized
I could never
I could never, never, never
Go back home again

Curiosidades sobre a música Is It Really So Strange? de The Smiths

Em quais álbuns a música “Is It Really So Strange?” foi lançada por The Smiths?
The Smiths lançou a música nos álbums “Sheila Take a Bow” em 1987, “Louder Than Bombs” em 1987, “Rank” em 1988 e “The Queen Is Dead (Deluxe Edition)” em 2017.
De quem é a composição da música “Is It Really So Strange?” de The Smiths?
A música “Is It Really So Strange?” de The Smiths foi composta por Johnny Marr e Morrissey.

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