
Johnny Marr / Morrissey

Significado da letra

Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life you'd like to
Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you
From doing all the things in life you'd like to

So, if there's something you'd like to try
If there's something you'd like to try
Ask me, I won't say: No, how could I?

Coyness is nice and coyness can stop you
From saying all the things in life you'd like to

So, if there's something you'd like to try
If there's something you'd like to try
Ask me, I won't say: No, how could I?

Spending warm summer days indoors
Writing frightening verse
To a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg

Ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me, ask me, ask me
Because if it's not love, then it's the bomb
The bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb
The bomb, the bomb that will bring us together

Nature is a language, can't you read?
Nature is a language, can't you read?

So ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me, ask me, ask me
Because if it's not love, then it's the bomb
The bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb
The bomb, the bomb that will bring us together

If it's not love
Then it's the bomb
Then it's the bomb that will bring us together

So ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me, ask me, ask me, oh

Curiosidades sobre a música Ask de The Smiths

Em quais álbuns a música “Ask” foi lançada por The Smiths?
The Smiths lançou a música nos álbums “Ask” em 1986, “The World Won't Listen” em 1987, “Louder Than Bombs” em 1987, “Rank” em 1988, “...Best II” em 1992, “Singles” em 1995 e “The Sound Of The Smiths” em 2008.
De quem é a composição da música “Ask” de The Smiths?
A música “Ask” de The Smiths foi composta por Johnny Marr e Morrissey.

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