The Exploding Boy

Robert Smith

I couldn't hear a word you said
I couldn't hear at all
You talked until your tongue fell out
And then you talked some more
I knew if I turned
I'd turn away from you
And I couldn't look back

Tell yourself we'll start again
Tell yourself it's not the end
Tell yourself it couldn't happen
Not this way
Not today

Curiosidades sobre a música The Exploding Boy de The Cure

Quando a música “The Exploding Boy” foi lançada por The Cure?
A música The Exploding Boy foi lançada em 2004, no álbum “Join The Dots - The B-Sides & Rarities”.
De quem é a composição da música “The Exploding Boy” de The Cure?
A música “The Exploding Boy” de The Cure foi composta por Robert Smith.

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