Stop Dead

Robert Smith

Let me forget
let me forget
Or let me go let me go
I'll keep it quiet as a whisper
I'll keep it low low low
The biggest word I ever heard
Stop dead
Stop dead
You're getting too close

Before you even opened your eyes
I moved about a million ways
I killed about a million people
And filled about half a day
Before you even opened your eyes
You had to have to ask me who
I love it
I mean you

My face was in your hands
You looked into my eyes
You said I tasted right
And swallowed me alive

Curiosidades sobre a música Stop Dead de The Cure

Quando a música “Stop Dead” foi lançada por The Cure?
A música Stop Dead foi lançada em 2004, no álbum “Join The Dots - The B-Sides & Rarities”.
De quem é a composição da música “Stop Dead” de The Cure?
A música “Stop Dead” de The Cure foi composta por Robert Smith.

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