Mellow My Mind

Neil Young

Baby Mellow my Mind
Make me feel, like a schoolboy on goodtime
Jugglin' nickels and dimes
Satisfied with the fish on the line

I've been down the road and I've come back
Lonesome whistle on the railroad track
Ain't got nothin' on those feelings that I had

Something so hard to find
A situation, that could casualise your mind

I've been down the road and I've come back
Lonesome whistle on the railroad track
Ain't got nothin' on those feelings that I had

I've been down the road and I've come back
Lonesome whistle on the railroad track
Ain't got nothin' on those feelings that I had

Baby mellow my mind
Make me feel, like a schoolboy on good time
Jugglin' nickels and dimes
Satisfied with a fish on the line

Curiosidades sobre a música Mellow My Mind de Simply Red

Em quais álbuns a música “Mellow My Mind” foi lançada por Simply Red?
Simply Red lançou a música nos álbums “Blue” em 1998 e “It's Only Love” em 2002.
De quem é a composição da música “Mellow My Mind” de Simply Red?
A música “Mellow My Mind” de Simply Red foi composta por Neil Young.

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