Try (just A Little Bit Harder)

Per Gessle

I left and wrote this song cos my life looked so shattered
I thank the Lord I'm still strong like before
I picked myself up from the floor and tried

I tried just a little bit harder, oh yea
If someone wants you to bleed and it feels like your're dying
Don't make the movers you don't need, don't cry, just sayba-ba-bye-bye and try, try

Try just a little bit harder, you'll survive
Try just a little bit harder, go ahead and try

Mondays and rainy days were in my pocket
I don't want to send them on to you
Bring them to you

Curiosidades sobre a música Try (just A Little Bit Harder) de Roxette

Em quais álbuns a música “Try (just A Little Bit Harder)” foi lançada por Roxette?
Roxette lançou a música nos álbums “Tourism” em 1992 e “Room Service (Deluxe Version)” em 2001.
De quem é a composição da música “Try (just A Little Bit Harder)” de Roxette?
A música “Try (just A Little Bit Harder)” de Roxette foi composta por Per Gessle.

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