MC Atmos

Roger Waters

We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again
Some sunny day

Good evening
Good evening ladies and gentlemen
And welcome to Earl's Court
My name is Gary Yudman
And we are going to have a great show this evening

The band is backstage
And will be ready to go in just a few minutes
Before the show begins
The house management would like to request
Just a few things

First, please no fireworks
Also, no flash cameras
And any unauthorized audio or video equipment found being used
May be confiscated
So please save yourself a lot of hassle
Well I think the band is almost ready to go now

No, no, not quite yet

One thing I would like to point out
Upon completion of the show tonight

Curiosidades sobre a música MC Atmos de Pink Floyd

Quando a música “MC Atmos” foi lançada por Pink Floyd?
A música MC Atmos foi lançada em 2000, no álbum “Is There Anybody Out There? The Wall Live: 1980-81”.
De quem é a composição da música “MC Atmos” de Pink Floyd?
A música “MC Atmos” de Pink Floyd foi composta por Roger Waters.

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