No Other Baby

Bob Watson / Dickie Bishop

But I don't want no other baby but you, I don't want no other baby but you,
cause no other baby can thrill me like you do.

Got a little woman, lives across the hall, I got a little woman, she lives across the hall
and most every evening she's asking me to call.
But I don't want no other baby but you, I don't want no other baby but you,
cause no other baby can thrill me like you do.

But lots of other women say be my daddy do, yeah, lots of other women say be my daddy do,
but I tell them I don't want no other baby like you.
I said, I don't want no other baby but you, I don't want no other baby but you,
cause no other baby can thrill me like you do.

Curiosidades sobre a música No Other Baby do Paul McCartney

Quando a música “No Other Baby” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
A música No Other Baby foi lançada em 1999, no álbum “Run Devil Run”.
De quem é a composição da música “No Other Baby” do Paul McCartney?
A música “No Other Baby” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Bob Watson e Dickie Bishop.

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