London Town

Denny Laine / Paul McCartney

Walking down the sidewalk on a purple afternoon
I was accosted by a barker playing a simple tune upon his flute
Toot, toot, toot, toot
Silver rain was falling down upon the dirty ground of London town

People pass me by on my imaginary street
Ordinary people it's impossible to meet
Holding conversations that are always incomplete
Well, I don't know
Oh, where are there places to go?
Someone, somewhere has to know
I don't know

Out of work again, the actor entertains his wife
With the same old stories of his ordinary life
Maybe he exaggerates the trouble and the strife
Well, I don't know
Oh, where are there places to go?
Someone, somewhere has to know

Crawling down the pavement on a Sunday afternoon
I was arrested by a rozzer wearing a pink balloon about his foot
Toot, toot, toot, toot
Silver rain was falling down upon the dirty ground of London town

Someone, somewhere has to know
Silver rain was falling down upon the dirty ground of London town

Curiosidades sobre a música London Town do Paul McCartney

Quando a música “London Town” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
A música London Town foi lançada em 1978, no álbum “London Town”.
De quem é a composição da música “London Town” do Paul McCartney?
A música “London Town” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Denny Laine e Paul McCartney.

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