Honey Hush

Big Joe Turner

Well, come into this house, stop all that yakety yak,
I said, come into this house, stop all that yakety yak,
cause your sugar daddy don't want no talking back.

Well, you keep on talking, talking about this and that,
yeah, you keep on talking, talking about this and that,
I got news for you, baby, you're nothing but an alley cat.

Well, it's a hi ho, hi ho silver, hi ho, hi ho silver, hi ho, hi ho silver,
hi ho, hi ho silver, hi ho, hi ho silver away-hey.

Turn off the waterworks, baby, they don't move me no more,
turn off the waterworks, baby, they don't move me no more,
well, believe me, baby, I ain't coming back no more.

I said, come into this house, stop all that yakety yak,
yeah, come into this house, woman, stop all that yakety yak,
oh, don't make me nervous, I'm holding a baseball bat.
Well, it's a hi ho, hi ho silver, hi ho, hi ho silver, hi ho, hi ho silver,
hi ho, hi ho silver, hi ho, hi ho silver away-hey

Curiosidades sobre a música Honey Hush do Paul McCartney

Quando a música “Honey Hush” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
A música Honey Hush foi lançada em 1999, no álbum “Run Devil Run”.
De quem é a composição da música “Honey Hush” do Paul McCartney?
A música “Honey Hush” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Big Joe Turner.

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