Get Yourself Another Fool

Frank Haywood / Monroe Tucker

At last I've wake up to see what you've done
So what can I do but pack up and run
I know the rules, go get yourself another fool

You say that you love me, I'm yours to command
But your kind of loving, my heart couldn't stand
You used me for a tool, go get yourself another fool

And now, now that we're through
You say you meant to be true
But deep in your heart you know
That our love could never grow

I tried to believe you, that we'd never part
But your kind of loving just broke my poor heart
Now I know the rules, go get yourself another fool

And now, now that we're through
You say you meant to be true
But deep down in your heart you know
That our love could never grow

Well I tried to believe you, that we’d never part
Your kind of loving just broke my poor heart
But I know the rules, go get yourself another fool

Yeah you’d better get yourself, get yourself
You’d better get yourself another fool
Go ahead and get yourself
Get yourself, get yourself another fool

Curiosidades sobre a música Get Yourself Another Fool do Paul McCartney

Quando a música “Get Yourself Another Fool” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
A música Get Yourself Another Fool foi lançada em 2012, no álbum “Kisses on the Bottom”.
De quem é a composição da música “Get Yourself Another Fool” do Paul McCartney?
A música “Get Yourself Another Fool” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Frank Haywood e Monroe Tucker.

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