Dear Boy

Linda McCartney / Paul McCartney

I guess you never knew
Dear boy, what you had found
I guess you never knew
Dear boy, that she was just the cutest thing around

I guess you never knew what you had found
Dear boy

I guess you never saw
Dear boy, that love was there
And maybe when you look too hard
Dear boy, you never do become aware

I guess you never did become aware
Dear boy
When I stepped in, my heart was down and out
But her love came through and brought me 'round
Got me up and about

When I stepped in, my heart was down and out
But her love came through and brought me 'round
Got me up and about

I hope you never know, dear boy
How much you missed
And even when you fall in love
Dear boy, it won't be half as good as this
I hope you never know how much you missed

Dear boy, how much you missed, dear boy?

Curiosidades sobre a música Dear Boy do Paul McCartney

Em quais álbuns a música “Dear Boy” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
Paul McCartney lançou a música nos álbums “Ram” em 1972 e “Ram (Remastered)” em 1998.
De quem é a composição da música “Dear Boy” do Paul McCartney?
A música “Dear Boy” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Linda McCartney e Paul McCartney.

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