Ain't That A Shame

Dave Bartholomew / Fats Domino

You made me cry when you said goodbye.
Ain't that a shame,
Oh my tears fell like rain.
Ain't that a shame,
You're the one to blame.

You broke my heart when you said we'd part.
Ain't that a shame,
Oh my tears fell like rain.
Ain't that a shame,
You're the one to blame.

You're the one to blame.

You made me cry when you said goodbye.
Ain't that a shame,
Oh my tears fell like rain.
Ain't that a shame,
You're the one to blame.

Oh well good goodbye although I'm gonna cry.
Ain't that a shame,
Oh my tears fell like rain.
Ain't that a shame,
You're the one to blame.

Curiosidades sobre a música Ain't That A Shame do Paul McCartney

Quando a música “Ain't That A Shame” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
A música Ain't That A Shame foi lançada em 1990, no álbum “Trippin the Life Fantastic”.
De quem é a composição da música “Ain't That A Shame” do Paul McCartney?
A música “Ain't That A Shame” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Dave Bartholomew e Fats Domino.

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