Tight Wad Hill

Billie Joe Armstrong / Green Day

Cheapskate on the hill
A thrill seeker making deals
Sugar city urchin washing time

Town of lunatics
Begging for another fix
Turning tricks for speedballs
One more night

Making your rounds once again
Turning up emptyhanded

Bumming a ride
Burning daylight
Last up at dawn
Tight wad hill

Drugstore hooligan
Another white trash mannequin
On display to rot up on the hill

Living out a lie
But having the time of his life
Hating every minute of his existence

Making your rounds once again
Turning up emptyhanded

Bumming a ride
Burning daylight
Last up at dawn
Tight wad hill

Making your rounds once again
Turning up emptyhanded

Bumming a ride
Burning daylight
Last up at dawn
Tight wad hill

Curiosidades sobre a música Tight Wad Hill de Green Day

Em quais álbuns a música “Tight Wad Hill” foi lançada por Green Day?
Green Day lançou a música nos álbums “Insomniac” em 1995 e “Insomniac (25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)” em 2021.
De quem é a composição da música “Tight Wad Hill” de Green Day?
A música “Tight Wad Hill” de Green Day foi composta por Billie Joe Armstrong e Green Day.

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