Never a Word

Don Airey / Ian Gillan / Ian Paice / Roger Glover / Júlio Borges

Never a word, a word so true
Passed between us, me and you
Heard you found your pot of gold
That's the story I've been told

Never a word was said in vain
Some were never sad again
Some were lost in lovers' heat
Some lay fallen at our feet

All day all night
You and only you
All day all night
I think of you and only you

Never a word escaped my lips
Silenced by your fingertips
I kept my word, can you believe
All this time so hard to breathe
Hard to breathe

Curiosidades sobre a música Never a Word de Deep Purple

Quando a música “Never a Word” foi lançada por Deep Purple?
A música Never a Word foi lançada em 2003, no álbum “Bananas”.
De quem é a composição da música “Never a Word” de Deep Purple?
A música “Never a Word” de Deep Purple foi composta por Don Airey, Ian Gillan, Ian Paice, Roger Glover e Júlio Borges.

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