Wicked World

Bill Ward / Geezer Butler / Ozzy Osbourne / Tony Iommi

The world today is such a wicked place
Fighting going on between the human race
People go to work just to earn their bread
While people just across the sea are counting the dead

A politician's job they say is very high
For he has to choose who's got to go and die
They can put a man on the moon quite easy
While people here on earth are dying of old diseases

A woman goes to work every day after day
She just goes to work just to earn her pay
Child sitting crying by a life that's harder
He doesn't even know who is his father

Curiosidades sobre a música Wicked World de Black Sabbath

Em quais álbuns a música “Wicked World” foi lançada por Black Sabbath?
Black Sabbath lançou a música nos álbums “Black Sabbath” em 1970, “Evil Woman” em 1970, “Live at Last” em 1980 e “The Best: The Ultimate in Heavy Metal” em 1983.
De quem é a composição da música “Wicked World” de Black Sabbath?
A música “Wicked World” de Black Sabbath foi composta por Bill Ward, Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne e Tony Iommi.

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