Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

Aeroplane [Dance Mix]
Aeroplane [Non-LP B-Side]
Alice's House
All About You
All of the Law
All of the Law [Live; Previously Unreleased Track]
All of This & Nothing
All of This and Nothing
All of This and Nothing [Previously Unreleased Track; Bonus Track; Demo Version]
All That Money Wants
Angels Don't Cry
Angels Don't Cry [7" Remix Version]
Another Edge
Ash Wednesday
Better Days
Blacks / Radio
Book of Days
Come All Ye Faithful
Don't Be a Girl
Don't Believe
Dumb Waiters
Dumb Waiters [Live]
Entertain Me
Forever Now
Get a Room
Goodbye [Dance Mix]
Heartbeat [7" Remix Version]
Heartbeat [Live; Previously Unreleased Track]
Heartbreak Beat
Heartbreak Beat [Extended Mix]
Heartbreak Beat [Live]
Heaven [Live]
Here Come Cowboys
Here Come Cowboys [12" Remix-Edit Version]
Hide the Medicine
Highwire Days
I Don't Mine
I Don’t Want to Be Your Shadow
I Wanna Sleep With You
Imitation of Christ
In My Head
India [Live]
Into You Like a Train
Into You Like a Train [Live]
It Goes On
Like a Stranger
Love My Way
Love My Way [Live]
Mack the Knife
Mary Go Round
Merry-Go-Round (Yes I Do) [Previously Unreleased Track]
Midnight to Midnight
Mr. Jones
Mr. Jones [Live]
Mr. Jones [Single Version; Bonus Track]
Mr. Jones [Single Version]
My Time
New Dream
No Easy Street
No Easy Street [Live]
No Release
No Tears
One More Word
Only a Game
Only You and I
President Gas
President Gas [Live]
Pretty In Pink
Pretty in Pink [Live]
Pretty in Pink [Original Version]
Run and Run
Shadow in My Heart
She Is Mine
Shock [Shep Pettibone Mix]
Should God Forget
Sister Europe
Sister Europe [Live]
Sleep Comes Down
So Run Down
Soap Commercial
Susan's Strange
Tearing Down
The Boy That Invented Rock & Roll
The Ghost in You
There’s A World
This'll Never Be Like Love
Tiny Hands
Turn Your Back on Me
Until She Comes
We Love You
Wedding Song
Where Do We Go From Here
Wrong Train
Yes I Do
Yes I Do (Merry-Go-Round)
You'll Be Mine

Curiosidades sobre The Psychedelic Furs

Quais as principais músicas de The Psychedelic Furs?
As principais músicas de The Psychedelic Furs são “Love My Way”, “The Ghost in You” e “Pretty In Pink”.
Qual o álbum mais recente de The Psychedelic Furs?
O álbum mais recente de The Psychedelic Furs é o “Made Of Rain”, lançado em 2020 com 12 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de The Psychedelic Furs?
O álbum mais antigo de The Psychedelic Furs é o “The Psychedelic Furs”, lançado em 1980 com 13 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de The Psychedelic Furs?
A música mais popular de The Psychedelic Furs é “Love My Way”, do álbum “Forever Now”, lançado em 1982.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por The Psychedelic Furs?
Entre 1980 e 2020, 12 Álbuns e 1 Single/EP foram lançados por The Psychedelic Furs.

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