Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares
Sugar and Spice
1966 • Sugar & Spice
I Wanna Meet You
1966 • Sugar & Spice
Dennis Dupree from Danville
1967 • A Scratch in the Sky
It Could Be We're in Love [45 Version; Previously Unreleased Track]
Cobblestone Road (She's Been Walkin')
1967 • A Scratch in the Sky
Young Birds Fly
It Could Be We're in Love
1967 • It Could Be We're In Love
A Carol for Lorelei
1967 • A Scratch in the Sky
We Gotta Get Out of This Place
1966 • Sugar & Spice
If I Needed Someone
1966 • Sugar & Spice
Rainmaker [45 Version; Previously Unreleased Track]
I Was Lonely When
1967 • It Could Be We're In Love
We’ll Meet Again
1966 • Sugar & Spice
(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave
Young Birds Fly [45 Version; Previously Unreleased Track]
1968 • Young Birds Fly
Please Stay
Todas as Músicas
(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave
A Carol for Lorelei
Baltimore Oriole
Ben Franklin’s Almanac
Cobblestone Road (She's Been Walkin')
Dennis Dupree from Danville
First Train to California
Greenburg, Glickstein, Charles, David Smith & Jones
Hey Joe (Where You Gonna Go)
I Wanna Meet You
I Was Lonely When
If I Needed Someone
In the Cafe
It Could Be We're in Love
It Could Be We're in Love [45 Version; Previously Unreleased Track]
Mr. Unreliable
Please Stay
Rainmaker [45 Version; Previously Unreleased Track]
She Don’t Care About Time
Sugar and Spice
Sunshine Psalm
The Sailing Ship
Up on the Roof
We Could Be Happy
We Gotta Get Out of This Place
We’ll Meet Again
Young Birds Fly
Young Birds Fly [45 Version; Previously Unreleased Track]
Your Love
Curiosidades sobre The Cryan' Shames
- Qual o álbum mais recente de The Cryan' Shames?
- O álbum mais recente de The Cryan' Shames é o “Synthesis”, lançado em 1968 com 4 faixas.
- Qual o álbum mais antigo de The Cryan' Shames?
- O álbum mais antigo de The Cryan' Shames é o “Sugar & Spice”, lançado em 1966 com 8 faixas.
- Qual a música de maior sucesso de The Cryan' Shames?
- A música mais popular de The Cryan' Shames é “Sugar and Spice”, do álbum “Sugar & Spice”, lançado em 1966.
- Quantos álbuns foram lançados por The Cryan' Shames?
- Entre 1966 e 1968, 3 Álbuns e 2 Singles/EPs foram lançados por The Cryan' Shames.