Privacy Policy

Data Collection

DaLetra does not collect personal data from users. For statistical purposes, we collect information such as IP address, accessed page, and browser details anonymously. In our apps, plugins, and extensions, we anonymously collect the site, song name, and artist name to display the requested lyrics, without recording personal data.

Use of Cookies

This website does not use cookies. However, we use third-party services such as Google Analytics 4 for traffic analysis, which may uses cookies to collect data anonymously. Advertisements served by services like Google AdSense or Taboola may also use cookies to deliver relevant ads to users.

Sharing with Third Parties

We do not share data with third parties. Advertisements from partners like Google AdSense or Taboola may be displayed on DaLetra, but no user data is provided to these services.


We adopt robust security practices and use encryption in all our communications to protect the information collected.

User Rights

As we do not collect personal data, there are no procedures required to access, correct, or delete personal data.