Músicas mais populares
1981 • Homosapien
What Was Heaven?
1983 • XL1
Many a Time
1983 • XL1
In Love With Somebody Else
1981 • Homosapien
Witness the Change
1981 • Homosapien
Love in Vain
1981 • Homosapien
It's Hard Enough Knowing
1981 • Homosapien
Guess I Must Have Been in Love With Myself
1981 • Homosapien
I Don't Know What It Is
1981 • Homosapien
I Generate a Feeling
1981 • Homosapien
Qu'est-Ce Que C'Est Que Ca
1981 • Homosapien
You and I
1983 • XL1
I Just Wanna Touch
1983 • XL1
Just One of Those Affairs
1981 • Homosapien
Yesterday's Not Here
1981 • Homosapien
1983 • XL1
Todas as Músicas
(Millions of People) No One Like You
(Millions of People) No One Like You [Bonus Track]
Blue Eyes
Do Anything
Guess I Must Have Been in Love With Myself
I Don't Know What It Is
I Generate a Feeling
I Just Wanna Touch
I Surrender
If You Ask Me (I Won’t Say No)
In Love With Somebody Else
It's Hard Enough Knowing
Just One of Those Affairs
Keat’s Song
Life Without Reason
Love in Vain
Many a Time
Maxine [Bonus Track]
My Dreams
Need a Minit
Never Again
No Moon
No One Like You
On Your Own
Pusher Man
Qu'est-Ce Que C'Est Que Ca
Something's Gone Wrong Again
Telephone Operator
Telephone Operator [Bonus Track]
They're Coming for You
Waiting for Love
What Was Heaven?
Witness the Change
XL1 [Bonus Track]
Yesterday's Not Here
You & I
You and I
You Can't Take That Away
You Know Better Than I Know [Bonus Track]
Curiosidades sobre Pete Shelley
- Qual o álbum mais recente de Pete Shelley?
- O álbum mais recente de Pete Shelley é o “Live from London”, lançado em 2016 com 13 faixas.
- Qual o álbum mais antigo de Pete Shelley?
- O álbum mais antigo de Pete Shelley é o “Homosapien”, lançado em 1981 com 15 faixas.
- Qual a música de maior sucesso de Pete Shelley?
- A música mais popular de Pete Shelley é “Homosapien”, do álbum “Homosapien”, lançado em 1981.
- Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Pete Shelley?
- Entre 1981 e 2016, 5 Álbuns e 1 Single/EP foram lançados por Pete Shelley.