Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

A Country Girl’s Lament
Am I That Easy to Forget
Back to School
Ballad of Louise
Before the Next Teardrop Falls
Box of Memories
Change of Heart
Cotton Patch
Country Girl
Darling Days
David, Play Your Harp
Deaf, Dumb and Blind
Duty Not Desire
Edna Burgoo
Fine Feathered Fowl
Fine Feathered Friend
Games People Play
Generation Gap
Gone With the West Texas Wind
Good Enough to Be Your Wife
Harper Valley P.T.A.
He Took Me to the Cleaners
Help Me Make It Through the Night
How Can Anything So Right Be So Wrong
I Almost Called Your Name
I Don’t Know What I’m Doing Here
I Love Him
I’ll Be a Woman of the World
I’m Making Tracks (Back To Your Heart)
If You Could Read My Mind
Limousine Lovers (In a Pick-Up Trick)
Love Vacation
Me and Bobby McGee
Mr. Harper
My Man
My Scrapbook
No Brass Band
No One Ever Lost More
Oh Singer
Okie from Muskogee
One Slightly Used Wedding Band
Part of Honey
Return to Harper Valley
Roses and Thorns
Run Jeannie Run
Satan Place
Shed Me No Tears
Silver Bells
Sippin' Shirley Thompson
Soakin’ Wet
Stepping Stone to Glory
Taste of Tears
Teardrops on Page 43
That's a No No
The Back Side of Dallas
The Ballad of Louise
The Cotton Patch
The Generation Gap
The Girl Most Likely
The Heart He Kicks Around
The Little Town Square
The Price I Pay To Stay
The Rib
The Wedding Cake
There Never Was a Time
Things Go Better With Love
Total Woman
What About Them
What Was Her Name
Whatever Happened to Charlie Brown
Wherever You Are
Why Me
Widow Jones
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up
Wish You Were Here
Yearbooks and Yesterdays
You Write the Music I’ll Write the Words

Curiosidades sobre Jeannie C. Riley

Qual o álbum mais recente de Jeannie C. Riley?
O álbum mais recente de Jeannie C. Riley é o “29 Greatest Hits - Jeannie C. Riley”, lançado em 2007 com 29 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Jeannie C. Riley?
O álbum mais antigo de Jeannie C. Riley é o “Harper Valley P.T.A.”, lançado em 1968 com 11 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Jeannie C. Riley?
A música mais popular de Jeannie C. Riley é “My Scrapbook”, do álbum “Yearbooks and Yesterdays”, lançado em 1969.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Jeannie C. Riley?
Entre 1968 e 2007, 14 Álbuns foram lançados por Jeannie C. Riley.

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