Músicas mais populares
Everything's beautiful and nothing hurts
Yellow Cocktail Music
Trickle Down Drugonomics
This is No Way to Run an Airline
The Exorcist Twist
Sonic Truth
So Sorry for Saturday
Shame On You
Second hand smoke
Say when
Popularity is for the Birds
Malice in Wonderland
Luv U More
Libido Explodo
Todas as Músicas
And Then I Start Again
Androgynous Androids
Billy Pilgrim Has Come Unstuck in Time
Convert me
Darling, you simply mustn't
Do You Explode?
Double Crossed
Electric Shock Value
Everything Is Beautiful, And Nothing Hurts
Everything's beautiful and nothing hurts
Everything's Cool (U-21)
Forget Me Not
Geek System
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Dying
Guilt to Spill
Happy Together
Hate monger manequins
Hate Monger Mannequins
Have Fun Dying
Holden Caulfield Syndrome
I Don't Care If You're a Pisces
Is This Infatuation, Or Am I Just Horny?
Let's Start a Cult
Libido Explodo
Luv U More
Malice in Wonderland
Popularity is for the Birds
Proletarians, Revolt!
Say when
Second hand smoke
Shame On You
Smoke and Mirrors
So Sorry for Saturday
Sonic Truth
The Exorcist Twist
This is No Way to Run an Airline
Trickle Down Drugonomics
Vampires and Werewolves Will Avenge My Death
Vultures (Waste Your Time With Me)
Yellow Cocktail Music
You Spiked the Punch with Apathy