Músicas mais populares

Todas as Músicas

‘Round The World With Ways To Say Hello
A Genius, Of Course
A la Nanita Nana
A New World to Explore
Action Fraction
All Night All Day
All the Ways of Jumping Up and Down
Alphabet in Motion
Amanda Schlupp
Amos the Alligator Dude
Animal Quiz - Part One
Animal Quiz - Part Two
At the Library
Ayee I Owe You
Baby Songs Theme Song
Baby’s First
Backwards Land
Bamboo Flute
Bean Bag Alphabet Rag
Bean Bag Shake
Betty Beep
Big Things Come From Little Things You Do
Billy Blotsky’s Birthday Bash
Boogie Down and Cruise
Bop ’til We Drop
Can a Cherry Pie Wave Goodbye?
Can a Jumbo Jet Sing the Alphabet?
Can Cockatoos Count By Twos?
Celebrate the Day
Chickadee and Chipmunk
Chippewa Lullaby
Chomping Gum
Choose an Instrument
Clown Song
Colors in Motion
Counting Miracles
D-O-G, Walkin’ the Dog
Daddy Be a Horsie
Dancing With a Stick
Dormite Ninito
Everybody Bounce
Everybody Dance
Everyone Can Be a Helper
Everything Has a Shape
Finger Foods
Five Little Monkeys
Flick a Fly
Follow Along
Following You
Francie Had a Football
Freddy Fuzzywizz
Fun With the Rhyme Time Band
Gettin’ Up Time
Good-Bye My Friends
Goodnight Story Time
Halloween Hanukkah Christmas Ghost
Helping Mommy In the Kitchen
Homemade Band
How Many Are Here?
Hurry Up Blues
Hush Little Baby
I Can Put My Clothes on by Myself
I’m a Little Wood Block
I’m A Pretzel
If I Had Wings
It’s Time to Go
Jig Along Shapes
Jingle Bell Bees
Jolly Clock (Time on the Hour)
Jumping to Add and Subtract
Just Fun
Kris Kringle’s Jingle Bell Band
Let’s All Clap Our Hands Together
Letters in the Blender
Lovey and Me
Magic Scarf
Marching Around the Alphabet
Mary and Marvin
Months On the Move
Mother Goose Has Rhythmical Rhymes
Motion Memory Good-Bye Game
Mrs. McFritter
Muddy Water Puddle
My Baby
My Mommy Comes Back
Numbers Can Tell About You
Old Rocking Chair
On the Count of Five
One Little Sound
Parade of Colors
Percival the Parrot
Piggy Toes
Play and Rest
Please And Thank You (Part 1)
Pocket Full of B’s
Put a Little Color On You
Put Your Hands Up In The Air
Raggedy Rag Doll Friend
Rhyme Time Band
Rhyme Time Band II
Rhythms On Parade
Ride and Swing
Roller Coaster
Rubber Band Man
Sally the Swinging Snake
Say the Opposite
Security (Don’t Wash My Blanket)
Sharing the Bean Bag
Shout And Whisper
Sleep My Baby
Sleep On
Slow and Fast
So Big
So Happy You’re Here
Something Special
Song About Slow, Song About Fast
Sounds Around the World
Spinning On the Same Ball
Spreading Rhythm
Stepping Out On the Town
Stick Dance
Stuff It In the Closet
Surprise Song
Swing, Shake, Twist, or Stretch
Switch On the Music
Take Me Out to the Ball Game - Advanced
Take Me Out to the Ball Game - Basic
Tap Your Sticks
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear Ball
Teddy Took a Train Ride
The Bean Bag
The Boogie-Woogie Wash Rag Blues
The Compost Bin
The Mice Go Marching
The Secret Word
The Shapes That Surround You
The Summer Slumber Party
Things We Like to Do
Thirty Second Challenge
Tiger With a Toothbrush
Tina Took Her Tap Shoes
Today I Took My Diapers Off
Toss It High Let It Fly
Truck Driver’s Song
Tug-a-Tug to Twenty Two
Turn On the Music
Up and Down a Mountain
Walking Notes
Walter the Waltzing Worm
Watch Me
We Are All Alike
We’re On Our Way
Weekly Rap
What a Miracle
What Are You Wearing?
What Could a Bean Bag Be?
What Could You Use?
What’s Bigger Than a Bear?
When Daddy Was a Little Boy
When the Bell Rings
When Things Don’t Go Your Way
Wiggy Wiggy Wiggles
You Can Do It
Zany Zoo

Curiosidades sobre Hap Palmer

Qual o álbum mais recente de Hap Palmer?
O álbum mais recente de Hap Palmer é o “Can A Jumbo Jet Sing The Alphabet?”, lançado em 2004 com 21 faixas.
Qual o álbum mais antigo de Hap Palmer?
O álbum mais antigo de Hap Palmer é o “Learning Basic Skills Through Music, Volume 1”, lançado em 1969 com 5 faixas.
Qual a música de maior sucesso de Hap Palmer?
A música mais popular de Hap Palmer é “Hush Little Baby”, do álbum “Folk Song Carnival”, lançado em 1970.
Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Hap Palmer?
Entre 1969 e 2004, 16 Álbuns foram lançados por Hap Palmer.

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