Vídeos em Destaque

Músicas mais populares
The Master and the Leaves
1923 • By Footpath and Stile, Op. 2
The Oxen
1923 • By Footpath and Stile, Op. 2
Where the Picnic Was
1923 • By Footpath and Stile, Op. 2
Paying Calls
1923 • By Footpath and Stile, Op. 2
How Soon Hath Time
1928 • Two Sonnets, Op. 12
When I Consider How My Life Is Spent
1928 • Two Sonnets, Op. 12
When I Set Out for Lyonnesse
1936 • Earth and Air and Rain, Op. 15
Summer Schemes
1936 • Earth and Air and Rain, Op. 15
Wherefore to-night so full of care
1937 • Seven Unaccompanied Part Songs
1937 • Seven Unaccompanied Part Songs
Clear and gentle stream
1937 • Seven Unaccompanied Part Songs
I have loved flowers that fade
1937 • Seven Unaccompanied Part Songs
It was a lover and his lass
1942 • Let Us Garlands Bring, Op. 18
Fear no more the heat o’ the sun
1942 • Let Us Garlands Bring, Op. 18
The Salutation
1946 • Dies Natalis, Op. 8
1946 • Dies Natalis, Op. 8
Todas as Músicas
As I lay in the early sun
Clear and gentle stream
Come away, come away, Death
Exeunt Omnes
Fear no more the heat o’ the sun
Haste on, my joys!
How Soon Hath Time
I have loved flowers that fade
I praise the tender flower
I say I’ll seek her
Intrada (To a Poet)
It was a lover and his lass
Life a Right Shadow Is
My spirit sang all day
O Mistress Mine
Oh, fair to see
On parent knees
Only the wanderer
Paying Calls
Since we loved
Summer Schemes
The Birthnight
The Master and the Leaves
The Oxen
The Rapture
The Salutation
This Life Which Seems So Fair
This World a Hunting Is
To a poet a thousand years hence
To Joy
Voices From Things Growing in a Churchyard
When I Consider How My Life Is Spent
When I Set Out for Lyonnesse
Where the Picnic Was
Wherefore to-night so full of care
Who is Silvia?
Curiosidades sobre Gerald Finzi
- Qual o álbum mais recente de Gerald Finzi?
- O álbum mais recente de Gerald Finzi é o “Oh, Fair to See”, lançado em 1965 com 7 faixas.
- Qual o álbum mais antigo de Gerald Finzi?
- O álbum mais antigo de Gerald Finzi é o “By Footpath and Stile, Op. 2”, lançado em 1923 com 6 faixas.
- Qual a música de maior sucesso de Gerald Finzi?
- A música mais popular de Gerald Finzi é “The Master and the Leaves”, do álbum “By Footpath and Stile, Op. 2”, lançado em 1923.
- Quantos álbuns foram lançados por Gerald Finzi?
- Entre 1923 e 1965, 9 Álbuns foram lançados por Gerald Finzi.
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Temas de Filmes
3 Palavrinhas
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Cúmplices de Um Resgate (Brasil)
Tempo de Semear
LSD (Labrinth, Sia & Diplo)
Temas de Novelas
Juliana D Passos (Canal Macumbaria)