Reflections Of My Life

Thomas McAleese / William Campbell

Significado da letra

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my eyes

The greetings of people in trouble
Reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my mind

All my sorrow, sad tomorrow
Take me back to my own home
All my crying (all my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back to my own home

I'm changing, arranging
I'm changing
I'm changing everything
Ah, everything around me

The world is a bad place
A bad place
A terrible place to live
Oh, but I don't wanna die

All my sorrow
Sad tomorrow
Take me back to my own home
All my crying (all my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back to my own home
(Oh I'm going home)

All my sorrow
Sad tomorrow
Take me back to my own home
All my crying (all my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back to my own home

Curiosidades sobre a música Reflections Of My Life de Marmalade

Em quais álbuns a música “Reflections Of My Life” foi lançada por Marmalade?
Marmalade lançou a música nos álbums “Reflections Of The Marmalade” em 1970 e “Back on The Road” em 1981.
De quem é a composição da música “Reflections Of My Life” de Marmalade?
A música “Reflections Of My Life” de Marmalade foi composta por Thomas McAleese e William Campbell.

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