Death At One's Elbow

Johnny Marr / Morrissey

Oh, Glenn
Don't come to the house tonight
Oh, Glenn
Oh, Glenn
Don't come to the house tonight

Oh, Glenn
Because there's somebody here
Who really, really loves you
Oh, Glenn

Stay home
Be bored
(It's crap, I know)

Oh, Glenn
Oh, Glenn
Don't come to the house tonight
Oh, Glenn
Oh, Glenn
Don't come to the house tonight
Because there's somebody here
Who'll take a hatchet to your ear
The frustration it renders me
Hateful, Glenn

Oh, don't come to the house tonight
Oh, don't come to the house tonight

Because you'll slip on the trail
Of my sad remains

That's why, that's why
Goodbye, my love, goodbye, my love
Goodbye, my love, goodbye, my love
Goodbye, my love, goodbye, my love

Curiosidades sobre a música Death At One's Elbow de The Smiths

Quando a música “Death At One's Elbow” foi lançada por The Smiths?
A música Death At One's Elbow foi lançada em 1987, no álbum “Strangeways, Here We Come”.
De quem é a composição da música “Death At One's Elbow” de The Smiths?
A música “Death At One's Elbow” de The Smiths foi composta por Johnny Marr e Morrissey.

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