
Ben Phillips / Kato Khandwala / Taylor Momsen

Significado da letra

I'm not listening to you
I am wandering right through existance
With no purpose and no drive
'Cause in the end we're all a lie
A lie

Two thousand years I've been awake
Waiting for the day to shake

Dear all of you who've wronged me
I am, I am a zombie
Again, again you want me to fall on my head
I am, I am, I am a zombie
Hello, hello, how low will you push me
To go, to go, to go before I lie, lie down dead

Blow the smoke right off the tubes
Kiss my gentle burning bruise
I'm lost in time
And to all the people left behind
You are walking dumb and blind

Two thousand years I've been awake
Waiting for the day to shake

Dear all of you who've wronged me
I am, I am a zombie
Again, again you want me to fall on my head
I am, I am, I am a zombie
Hello ,hello ,how low will you push me
To go, to go, to go before I lie, lie down dead

I'm dead
I'm dead

Dear all of you who've wronged me
I am, I am a zombie
Again, again you want me to fall on my head
I am, I am, I am a zombie
Hello, hello, how low will you push me
To go, to go, to go before, I lie down dead

Curiosidades sobre a música Zombie de The Pretty Reckless

Em quais álbuns a música “Zombie” foi lançada por The Pretty Reckless?
The Pretty Reckless lançou a música nos álbums “The Pretty Reckless” em 2010 e “Miss Nothing” em 2011.
De quem é a composição da música “Zombie” de The Pretty Reckless?
A música “Zombie” de The Pretty Reckless foi composta por Ben Phillips, Kato Khandwala e Taylor Momsen.

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