Let Me Roll It

Paul McCartney / Linda McCartney

Significado da letra

You gave me something, I understand
You gave me loving in the palm of my hand

I can't tell you how I feel
My heart is like a wheel

Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you
Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you

I want to tell you, and now's the time
I want to tell you that you're going to be mine

I can't tell you how I feel
My heart is like a wheel

Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you
Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you

I can't tell you how I feel
My heart is like a wheel

Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you
Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you

You gave me something, I understand
You gave me loving in the palm of my hand

I can't tell you how I feel
My heart is like a wheel

Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you
Let me roll it
Let me roll it to you

Curiosidades sobre a música Let Me Roll It do Paul McCartney

Em quais álbuns a música “Let Me Roll It” foi lançada por Paul McCartney?
Paul McCartney lançou a música nos álbums “The Art of McCartney”, “Band On The Run” em 1973, “Wings Over America” em 1976, “Paul Is Live” em 1993, “The Paul Mccartney Collection” em 1993, “Paul Mccartney & Wings: Wingspan” em 2001 e “Back in the U.S.” em 2002.
De quem é a composição da música “Let Me Roll It” do Paul McCartney?
A música “Let Me Roll It” do Paul McCartney foi composta por Paul McCartney e Linda McCartney.

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