Yesterday's Son

The beginning was so easy
Do whatever to survive
In the middle of my story
All I wanted is to feel alive

And I'm not my mother or father
I'm not yesterday's son
I'm no broken
I'm a wide open highway with room to run

All these voices and decisions
Swimming circles in my head
All these choices and opinions
Feeling heavy as lead

And I'm not my mother or father
I'm not yesterday's son
I'm no broken
I'm a wide open highway with room to run

In the middle of my story
All I wanted is to feel alive

Curiosidades sobre a música Yesterday's Son de Lifehouse

Em quais álbuns a música “Yesterday's Son” foi lançada por Lifehouse?
Lifehouse lançou a música nos álbums “Out of the Wasteland” em 2015 e “Out Of The Wasteland (Deluxe Edition)” em 2015.

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