Best Friend

Mai Bloomfield / Mona Tavakoli / Jason Mraz / Chaska Potter / Becky Gebhardt

Significado da letra

Love is where this begins
Thank you for letting me in
I've never had to pretend
You've always known who I am

And I know my life is better
Because you're a part of it
I know without you by my side
That I would be different

Thank you for all of your trust
Thank you for not giving up
Thank you for holding my hand
I've always known where you stand

Cause I feel my life is better
So is the world we're living in
I'm thankful for the time I spent
With my best friend

Thank you for calling me out
Thank you for waking me up
Thank you for breaking it down
Thank you for choosing us
Thank you for all you're about
Thank you for lifting me up
Thank you for keeping me grounded
And being here now

My life is better
Because you're a part of it
Yes, I know without you by my side
That I would be different

Yes, I feel my life is better
And so is the world we're living in
I'm thankful for the time I spend
With my best friend

You're my best friend

Curiosidades sobre a música Best Friend do Jason Mraz

Quando a música “Best Friend” foi lançada por Jason Mraz?
A música Best Friend foi lançada em 2014, no álbum “YES!”.
De quem é a composição da música “Best Friend” do Jason Mraz?
A música “Best Friend” do Jason Mraz foi composta por Mai Bloomfield, Mona Tavakoli, Jason Mraz, Chaska Potter e Becky Gebhardt.

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