new lesson (timon, pumbaa & young simba interlude) (feat. Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen & JD McCrary)

Jeff Nathanson

Who are you?

I'm Pumbaa, this is Timon

Look, kid
Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?


When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world

Only embrace what's next

And turn the what into so what?

Well, that's not what I was taught

Well, then maybe you need a new lesson
Repeat after me, kid
Hakuna Matata

Curiosidades sobre a música new lesson (timon, pumbaa & young simba interlude) (feat. Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen & JD McCrary) da Beyoncé

Quando a música “new lesson (timon, pumbaa & young simba interlude) (feat. Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen & JD McCrary)” foi lançada por Beyoncé?
A música new lesson (timon, pumbaa & young simba interlude) (feat. Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen & JD McCrary) foi lançada em 2019, no álbum “The Lion King: The Gift”.
De quem é a composição da música “new lesson (timon, pumbaa & young simba interlude) (feat. Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen & JD McCrary)” da Beyoncé?
A música “new lesson (timon, pumbaa & young simba interlude) (feat. Billy Eichner, Seth Rogen & JD McCrary)” da Beyoncé foi composta por Jeff Nathanson.

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